#include "webfused/mountpoint_factory.h" #include "webfused/log/log.h" #include #include #include #include #define WFD_FILESYSTEM_DEFAULT_CAPACITY 16 struct wfd_filesystem { char * name; char * mount_point; bool in_use; }; struct wfd_mountpoint_factory { struct wfd_filesystem * filesystems; size_t capacity; size_t count; }; static struct wfd_filesystem * wfd_mountpoint_factory_find( struct wfd_mountpoint_factory * factory, char const * name) { for (size_t i = 0; i < factory->count; i++) { struct wfd_filesystem * filesystem = &(factory->filesystems[i]); if (0 == strcmp(name, filesystem->name)) { return filesystem; } } return NULL; } static void wfd_mountpoint_factory_release_mountpoint( void * user_data) { bool * in_use = user_data; *in_use = false; } struct wfd_mountpoint_factory * wfd_mountpoint_factory_create(void) { struct wfd_mountpoint_factory * factory = malloc(sizeof(struct wfd_mountpoint_factory)); factory->filesystems = malloc(sizeof(struct wfd_filesystem) * WFD_FILESYSTEM_DEFAULT_CAPACITY); factory->count = 0; factory->capacity = WFD_FILESYSTEM_DEFAULT_CAPACITY; return factory; } void wfd_mountpoint_factory_dispose( struct wfd_mountpoint_factory * factory) { for(size_t i = 0; i < factory->count; i++) { struct wfd_filesystem * filesystem = &(factory->filesystems[i]); free(filesystem->name); free(filesystem->mount_point); } free(factory->filesystems); free(factory); } bool wfd_mountpoint_factory_add_filesystem( struct wfd_mountpoint_factory * factory, char const * name, char const * mount_point) { bool result = (NULL == wfd_mountpoint_factory_find(factory, name)); if (!result) { WFD_ERROR("mount_point already defined: \'%s\'", mount_point); } char * path = NULL; if (result) { mkdir(mount_point, 0755); path = realpath(mount_point, NULL); if (NULL == path) { WFD_ERROR("invalid mount_point: \'%s\'", mount_point); result = false; } } if (result) { if (factory->count >= factory->capacity) { factory->capacity *= 2; factory->filesystems = realloc(factory->filesystems, sizeof(struct wfd_filesystem) * factory->capacity); } struct wfd_filesystem * actual = &(factory->filesystems[factory->count]); actual->name = strdup(name); actual->mount_point = path; actual->in_use = false; factory->count++; } return result; } extern struct wf_mountpoint * wfd_mountpoint_factory_create_mountpoint( char const * filesystem, void * user_data) { struct wfd_mountpoint_factory * factory = user_data; struct wfd_filesystem * fs = wfd_mountpoint_factory_find(factory, filesystem); if (NULL == fs) { WFD_INFO("failed to create mountpoint: filesystem \'%s\' not found", filesystem); return NULL; } if (fs->in_use) { WFD_INFO("failed to create mountpoint: filesystem \'%s\' already in use", filesystem); return NULL; } fs->in_use = true; struct wf_mountpoint * result = wf_mountpoint_create(fs->mount_point); wf_mountpoint_set_userdata(result, &fs->in_use, &wfd_mountpoint_factory_release_mountpoint); WFD_INFO("created mountpoint \'%s\' at path \'%s\'", filesystem, fs->mount_point); return result; }