# Build Instructions To install dependecies, see below. meson build cd build ninja ./webfused -f webfused.conf ## Dependencies - [webfuse](https://github.com/falk-werner/webfuse) - [libfuse](https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse/) - [libwebsockets](https://libwebsockets.org/) - [jansson](https://github.com/akheron/jansson) - [openssl](https://www.openssl.org/) - [libconfig](https://hyperrealm.github.io/libconfig/) - [linux-pam](http://www.linux-pam.org/) - [Google Test](https://github.com/google/googletest) *(Test only)* It is recommended to provide all dependencies outside of the project. To simply development, some dependencies are bundled using meson wrap files. Note that installing webfused will also install subprojects, when they are used (this is typically not what you want). ### libfuse To install libfuse, meson is needed. Please refer to [meson quick guide](https://mesonbuild.com/Quick-guide.html) for setup instructions. wget https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse/archive/fuse-3.9.1.tar.gz -O fuse.tar.gz tar -xf fuse.tar.gz cd libfuse-fuse-3.9.1 mkdir .build cd .build meson .. ninja sudo ninja install ### libwebsockets wget https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets/archive/v3.2.0.tar.gz -O libwebsockets.tar.gz tar -xf libwebsockets.tar.gz cd libwebsockets-3.2.0 mkdir .build cd .build cmake .. make sudo make install ### jansson wget https://github.com/akheron/jansson/archive/v2.12.tar.gz -O jansson.tar.gz tar -xf jansson.tar.gz cd jansson-2.12 mkdir .build cd .build cmake .. make sudo make install ### openssl sudo apt update sudo install openssl libssl-dev ### webfuse wget https://github.com/falk-werner/webfuse/archive/v0.2.0.tar.gz -O webfuse.tar.gz tar -xf webfuse.tar.gz cd webfuse-0.2.0 mkdir .build cd .build cmake -DWITHOUT_TESTS=ON .. make sudo make install ### libconfig sudo apt update sudo apt install libconfig-dev ### linux-pam sudo apt update sudo apt install libpam0g-dev ### GoogleTest Installation of GoogleTest is optional webfuse library, but required to compile tests. wget -O gtest-1.10.0.tar.gz https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/release-1.10.0.tar.gz tar -xf gtest-1.10.0.tar.gz cd googletest-release-1.10.0 mkdir .build cd .build cmake .. make sudo make install