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Currently, there is only one schema version defined: 1.0 ### Server | Setting | Type | Default value | Description | | ------------- | ------ | ------------- | ------------------------ | | vhostname | string | localhost | Name of the virtual host | | port | int | 8080 | Port number of server | | document_root | string | *-empty-* | Path of HTTP files | | tls | object | *-empty-* | see below | When *document_root* is omitted, no HTTP files are served. #### TLS | Setting | Type | Default value | Description | | ----------- | ------ | ------------- | ------------------------------------------- | | certificate | string | *-empty-* | Path to servers own certificate (.pem file) | | key | string | *-empty-* | Path to servers own private key (.pem file) | TLS is only activated, when both, *certificate* and *key* are specified. Otherwise, plain websockes without TLS are used. ### Authentication | Setting | Type | Default value | Description | | -------- | ------ | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | | provider | string | *-required-* | Name of the authentication provider (see below) | | settings | object | *-empty-* | Provider specific settings (see below) Currently, only one provider is specified: - *file*: file based authentication ### File Authenticaton Provider Allows authentication against a file containing username and password. | Setting | Type | Default value | Description | | -------- | ------ | ------------- | ------------------------------- | | file | string | *-empty-* | Path to the authentication file | ### Filesystems Contains a list of file systems that can be provided by webfuse providers. | Setting | Type | Default value | Description | | ----------- | ------ | ------------- | ---------------------------------- | | name | string | *-required-* | Name of the filesystem | | mount_point | string | *-required-* | Local path to mount the filesystem | ### Log | Setting | Type | Default value | Description | | ----------- | ------ | ------------- | -------------------------------------- | | provider | string | *-required-* | Name of log provider (see below) | | level | string | *-required-* | Log level (see below) | | settings | object | *-empty-* | Provider specific settings (see below) | The following log levels are supported: - *none*: diabled logging - *fatal*: log only fatal errors - *error*: log all kind of errors - *warn*: log errors and warnings - *info*: log info messages, warnings and errors - *debug*: log debug and info messages as well as warnings and errors - *all*: log all kind of messages Currently, the following providers are available: - *stderr*: logs to console error output - *syslog*: logs to syslog #### Stderr Logger This logger does not provide any settings. #### Syslog Logger | Setting | Type | Default value | Description | | ----------- | ------ | ------------- | ------------------------------------------ | | ident | string | webfused | Syslog ident (see syslog documentation) | | facility | string | daemon | Syslog facility (see syslog documentation) | | log_pid | bool | false | Add process ID to log messages | ### User | Setting | Type | Default value | Description | | ------- | ------ | ------------- | ------------------------------- | | name | string | *-required-* | Name of the user to switch to. | | group | string | *-required-* | Name of the group to switch to. | Webfuse daemon will not run as root. If started as root, webfuse daemon tries to switch to *user* and *group* provided in config file. *Note*: user and group are not switched, when webfuse daemon is not started as root. ## Dependencies - [webfuse](https://github.com/falk-werner/webfuse) - [libfuse](https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse/) - [libwebsockets](https://libwebsockets.org/) - [jansson](https://github.com/akheron/jansson) - [openssl](https://www.openssl.org/) - [libconfig](https://hyperrealm.github.io/libconfig/) - [Google Test](https://github.com/google/googletest) *(Test only)* ### Installing dependencies #### libfuse To install libfuse, meson is needed. Please refer to [meson quick guide](https://mesonbuild.com/Quick-guide.html) for setup instructions. wget https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse/archive/fuse-3.9.0.tar.gz -O fuse.tar.gz tar -xf fuse.tar.gz cd libfuse-fuse-3.9.0 mkdir .build cd .build meson .. ninja sudo ninja install #### libwebsockets wget https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets/archive/v3.2.0.tar.gz -O libwebsockets.tar.gz tar -xf libwebsockets.tar.gz cd libwebsockets-3.2.0 mkdir .build cd .build cmake .. make sudo make install #### jansson wget https://github.com/akheron/jansson/archive/v2.12.tar.gz -O jansson.tar.gz tar -xf jansson.tar.gz cd jansson-2.12 mkdir .build cd .build cmake .. make sudo make install #### openssl sudo apt update sudo install openssl libssl-dev #### webfuse wget https://github.com/falk-werner/webfuse/archive/v0.2.0.tar.gz -O webfuse.tar.gz tar -xf webfuse.tar.gz cd webfuse-0.2.0 mkdir .build cd .build cmake -DWITHOUT_TESTS=ON .. make sudo make install #### libconfig sudo apt update sudo apt install libconfig-dev #### GoogleTest Installation of GoogleTest is optional webfuse library, but required to compile tests. wget -O gtest-1.10.0.tar.gz https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/release-1.10.0.tar.gz tar -xf gtest-1.10.0.tar.gz cd googletest-release-1.10.0 mkdir .build cd .build cmake .. make sudo make install