# Build Instructions To install dependencies, see below. cd webfuse mkdir .build cd .build cmake .. make ## Build options By default, unit tests are enabled. You can disable them using the following cmake options: - **WITHOUT_TESTS**: disable tests `cmake -DWITHOUT_TESTS=ON ..` Since webfuse consists of two libraries, it is possible to disable one of them in order to reduce build dependencies. *Note that unit tests are only available, when both libraries are built.* - **WITHOUT_ADAPTER**: omit adapter library `cmake -DWITHOUT_ADAPTER=ON` - **WIHTOU_PROVIDER**: omit provider library `cmake -DWITHOUT_PROVIDER=ON` ## Create API documentation To create API documentation, you must install doxygen and dot first. After that, run doxygen in the project root directory. doxygen After that, you will find the API documentation in the doc/api subdirectory. ## Dependencies - [libfuse3](https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse/) - [libwebsockets](https://libwebsockets.org/) - [Jansson](https://jansson.readthedocs.io) - [GoogleTest](https://github.com/google/googletest) *(optional)* ### Installation from source #### libfuse To install libfuse, meson is needed. Please refer to [meson quick guide](https://mesonbuild.com/Quick-guide.html) for setup instructions. wget -O fuse-3.9.1.tar.gz https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse/archive/fuse-3.9.1.tar.gz tar -xf fuse-3.9.1.tar.gz cd libfuse-fuse-3.9.1 mkdir .build cd .build meson .. ninja sudo ninja install #### libwebsockets wget -O libwebsockets-3.2.0.tar.gz https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets/archive/v3.2.0.tar.gz tar -xf libwebsockets-3.2.0.tar.gz cd libwebsockets-3.2.0 mkdir .build cd .build cmake .. make sudo make install #### Jansson wget -O libjansson-2.12.tar.gz https://github.com/akheron/jansson/archive/v2.12.tar.gz tar -xf libjansson-2.12.tar.gz cd jansson-2.12 mkdir .build cd .build cmake .. make sudo make install #### GoogleTest Installation of GoogleTest is optional webfuse library, but required to compile tests. wget -O gtest-1.10.0.tar.gz https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/release-1.10.0.tar.gz tar -xf gtest-1.10.0.tar.gz cd googletest-release-1.10.0 mkdir .build cd .build cmake .. make sudo make install