# # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This file is part of dobuild. # Copyright (c) 2019 Contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 ifndef defaults_include_guard defaults_include_guard := 1 current_makefile := $(word $(words $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$(MAKEFILE_LIST)) ####################################################################################################################### # Overridable common defaults # NOTE: default assumes first loaded makefile is located in root directory of project MAKEFILE ?= $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) MAKEFILE := $(MAKEFILE) DOBUILD_TOPDIR ?= $(PROJECTDIR) DOBUILD_PROJECTDIR ?= $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(MAKEFILE))) DOBUILD_PROJECTNAME ?= $(notdir $(shell cd $(PROJECTDIR) && pwd)) DOBUILD_PROJECTVERSIONFILE ?= $(PROJECTDIR)/VERSION DOBUILD_PROJECTVERSION ?= $(shell cat '$(VERSIONFILE)' 2>/dev/null) DOBUILD_OUTDIR ?= $(BUILDDIR)/.build DOBUILD_BUILDDIR ?= $(PROJECTDIR) DOBUILD_BUILDVERBOSE ?= DOBUILD_TESTVERBOSE ?= DOBUILD_BUILDTESTING ?= 1 DOBUILD_USERID ?= $(shell id -u) DOBUILD_HOSTCONTAINER ?= $(shell $(DOBUILDDIR)/bin/get_container_id.sh) DOBUILD_JOBSLOTS ?= $(call jobslots,$(make_cmdline)) DOBUILD_SKIPMD5SUM ?= $(call filter_not_found,md5sum) DOBUILD_SKIPCURL ?= $(call filter_not_found,curl) DOBUILD_SKIPDEFAULTTARGET ?= $(or $(HOSTMARCH),$(MARCH),$(DISTRIB_ID),$(DISTRIB_VERSION),$(SYS),$(ABI),$(ID),$(VARIANT),$(call not,$(DEFAULTTARGET))) DOBUILD_SKIPEXTERNSYNC ?= DOBUILD_FILTER ?= $(call target_properties_combine, \ $(or $(HOSTMARCH),%), \ $(or $(MARCH),%), \ $(or $(DISTRIB_ID),%), \ $(or $(SYS),%), \ $(or $(ABI),%), \ $(or $(ID),%), \ $(or $(DISTRIB_VERSION),%), \ $(or $(VARIANT),%) \ ) DOBUILD_EXCLUDEFILTER ?= $(if $(strip \ $(or $(EXCLUDE_HOSTMARCH),$(EXCLUDE_MARCH),$(EXCLUDE_DISTRIB_ID),$(EXCLUDE_SYS),$(EXCLUDE_ABI),$(EXCLUDE_ID),$(EXCLUDE_DISTRIB_VERSION),$(EXCLUDE_VARIANT)) \ ), \ $(call target_properties_combine, \ $(or $(EXCLUDE_HOSTMARCH),%), \ $(or $(EXCLUDE_MARCH),%), \ $(or $(EXCLUDE_DISTRIB_ID),%), \ $(or $(EXCLUDE_SYS),%), \ $(or $(EXCLUDE_ABI),%), \ $(or $(EXCLUDE_ID),%), \ $(or $(EXCLUDE_DISTRIB_VERSION),%), \ $(or $(EXCLUDE_VARIANT),%)\ ) \ ) DOBUILD_FILTERMEMCHECK ?= $(call target_properties_format_args,$(or $(machine),%),$(or $(machine),%),%,%,%,%,%,%) DOBUILD_CGROUPPARENT ?= DOBUILD_COLOR ?= $(shell { command -v tput >/dev/null 2>&1 && test "$$(tput $(addprefix -T,$(TERM)) colors)" -ge 8 2>/dev/null; } && echo '1') DOBUILD_EXTDIR ?= $(PROJECTDIR)/dobuild-extensions BUILDKIT_PROGRESS ?= plain DOCKER_BUILDKIT ?= 1 DESTDIR ?= TERM ?= linux REGISTRY_PREFIX ?= VERBOSE ?= COLOR = $(call memorize,COLOR,$(DOBUILD_COLOR)) PREPARE_TARGETS = $(EXTRACT_TARGETS) RULE_TARGETS = BUILD_TARGETS = CHECK_TARGETS = MEMCHECK_TARGETS = LINT_TARGETS = RUN_TARGETS = CLEAN_TARGETS = EXTRACT_TARGETS = DIST_TARGETS = DISTCLEAN_TARGETS = INSTALL_TARGETS = TARGETS = OUTDIRS = BUILDTARGET = $(warning: deprecated use DEFAULTTARGET instead) DOCKER_RUNFLAGS = DOCKER_BUILDFLAGS = IMAGE_BUILDARGS = CURLFLAGS = MAKEFILE_DEPS = ####################################################################################################################### # Common macros # caches a value lazily - at it's first evaluation # $(call memorize,VAR,value...) memorize = $(eval $1 := $$2)$2 # asserts value is not empty, evaluates to value or reports an error message on failure and aborts build # $(call assert,value,message) assert = $(or $1,$(error assertion failed: $2)) # asserts value is not empty, evaluates to value or reports a warning message on failure and continues build # $(call expect,value,message) expect = $(or $1,$(warning expectation failed: $2)) # asserts value is of scalar type, evaluates to value or reports an error message on failure # $(call assert_scalar,value...,message) assert_scalar = $(if $(call eq_s,1,$(words $1)),$1,$(error assertion failed: $2)) # filters out all commands found on host, resulting in a list of unavailable commands # $(call filter_not_found,command...) filter_not_found = $(filter $1,$(foreach cmd,$1,$(shell command -v $(cmd) >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo $(cmd)))) # escapes a character in string # $(call escape,string,char) escape = $(subst $2,$(\\)$2,$1) # filters all elements matching any of the given regular expressions # $(call filter_by_regex,regex...,element...) filter_by_regex = $(shell printf '%s\n' $2 | sed -n$(foreach regex,$1, -e 's!$(call escape,$(regex),!)!\0!p')) # parses the target properties [host-arch arch_sub vendor_or_distrib_id sys abi id distrib_version variant] for given name # $(call target_properties_parse,target-name) target_properties_parse = $(shell $(DOBUILDDIR)/bin/parse_target_properties.sh $1) # retrieves the target properties # $(call target_properties,target-name) target_properties = $(or $($1),$(call target_properties_parse,$1)) # formats a list of target properties as string # $(call target_properties_format,property...) target_properties_format = $(call target_properties_format_args, \ $(call target_property_host_arch,$1), \ $(call target_property_arch_sub,$1), \ $(call target_property_vendor_or_distrib_id,$1), \ $(call target_property_sys,$1), \ $(call target_property_abi,$1), \ $(call target_property_id,$1), \ $(call target_property_distrib_version,$1), \ $(call target_property_variant,$1) \ ) # formats target name by its properties as separated arguments - each may be empty # $(call target_properties_format_args,host_arch,arch_sub,distrib,sys,abi,id,distrib_version,variant) target_properties_format_args = $(call join_s,$1 $(call join_s,$2 $(call join_s,$3 $7,@) $4 $5,-) $(call join_s,$6 $8,@),+) # tests each target property matches associated pattern # $(call target_properties_matches,pattern...,property...) target_properties_matches = $(call eq,$1,$2,filter) # retrieves the target property host-arch from the list of properties # $(call target_property_host_arch,property...) target_property_host_arch = $(word 1,$1) # retrieves the target property arch_sub from the list of properties # $(call target_property_arch_sub,property...) target_property_arch_sub = $(word 2,$1) # retrieves the target property vendor_or_distrib_id from the list of properties # $(call target_property_vendor_or_distrib_id,property...) target_property_vendor_or_distrib_id = $(word 3,$1) # retrieves the target property sys from the list of properties # $(call target_property_sys,property...) target_property_sys = $(word 4,$1) # retrieves the target property abi from the list of properties # $(call target_property_abi,property...) target_property_abi = $(word 5,$1) # retrieves the target property id from the list of properties # $(call target_property_id,property...) target_property_id = $(word 6,$1) # retrieves the target property distrib_version from the list of properties # $(call target_property_distrib_version,property...) target_property_distrib_version = $(word 7,$1) # retrieves the target property variant from the list of properties # $(call target_property_variant,property...) target_property_variant = $(word 8,$1) # retrieves the target host-arch # $(call target_host_arch,target-name) target_host_arch = $(call target_property_host_arch,$(call target_properties,$1)) # retrieves the target arch_sub # $(call target_arch_sub,target-name) target_arch_sub = $(call target_property_arch_sub,$(call target_properties,$1)) # retrieves the target vendor_or_distrib_id # $(call target_vendor_or_distrib_id,target-name) target_vendor_or_distrib_id = $(call target_property_vendor_or_distrib_id,$(call target_properties,$1)) # retrieves the target sys # $(call target_sys,target-name) target_sys = $(call target_property_sys,$(call target_properties,$1)) # retrieves the target abi # $(call target_abi,target-name) target_abi = $(call target_property_abi,$(call target_properties,$1)) # retrieves the target id # $(call target_id,target-name) target_id = $(call target_property_id,$(call target_properties,$1)) # retrieves the target id # $(call target_variant,target-name) target_variant = $(call target_property_variant,$(call target_properties,$1)) # retrieves the target distribution version # $(call target_distrib_version,target-name) target_distrib_version = $(call target_property_distrib_version,$(call target_properties,$1)) # retrieves the target distribution id and version # $(call target_distrib,target-name) target_distrib = $(addsuffix $(addprefix @,$(call target_distrib_version,$1)),$(call target_vendor_or_distrib_id,$1)) # retrieves the target distribution id # $(call target_distrib_id,target-name) target_distrib_id = $(call target_vendor_or_distrib_id,$1) # tests target properties matches given pattern # $(call target_matches,target-name,pattern...) target_matches = $(call target_properties_matches,$2,$(call target_properties,$1)) # filters all targets which properties matches given patterns # $(call target_filter_by_properties,pattern...,target-name...) target_filter_by_properties = $(call filter_p,$2,target_matches,$1) # filters all targets which properties matches given include-pattern and not the given exclude-pattern strings # $(call target_filter,inlcude-pattern-string...,target-name...[,exclude-pattern-string...]) target_filter = \ $(filter-out \ $(foreach pattern,$3,$(call target_filter_by_properties,$(call target_properties_parse,$(pattern)),$2)),\ $(foreach pattern,$1,$(call target_filter_by_properties,$(call target_properties_parse,$(pattern)),$2))\ ) # replaces template values in string list with target properties # $(call target_subst,target-name[,values...,]) target_subst = $(strip \ $(subst %TARGET%,$1, \ $(subst %OUTDIR%,$(OUTDIR), \ $(subst %HOSTMARCH%,$(call target_host_arch,$1), \ $(subst %MARCH%,$(call target_arch_sub,$1), \ $(subst %DISTRIB%,$(call target_distrib,$1), \ $(subst %DISTRIB_ID%,$(call target_distrib_id,$1), \ $(subst %DISTRIB_VERSION%,$(call target_distrib_version,$1), \ $(subst %SYS%,$(call target_sys,$1), \ $(subst %ABI%,$(call target_abi,$1), \ $(subst %ID%,$(call target_id,$1), \ $(subst %VARIANT%,$(call target_variant,$1),$2) \ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) # replaces template values of target field with target properties # $(call target_subst_cmd,target-name,field[,default-value]) target_get_and_subst = $(call target_subst,$1,$(or $(call $1.$2,$1),$3)) # replaces template values of target field with target properties and resolves result against given search # paths, returning a list of existing resolved paths # $(call target_subst_and_resolve,target-name,field,path...) target_subst_and_resolve = $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(call target_get_and_subst,$1,$2,),$3)) # generates target names by combining elements of list properties # $(call target_properties_combine,host_arch1...,arch_sub1..,distrib1...,sys1...,abi1...,id1...,distrib_version1...,variant1...) target_properties_combine = $(call combine,target_properties_format_args,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8) # tests scalar values on equality, returns the value or empty if non-equal # $(call eq_s,value1,value2) eq_s = $(and $(findstring $1,$2),$(findstring $2,$1)) # tests scalar values on inequality, returns non empty value if values are unequal # $(call ne_s,value1,value2) ne_s = $(call not,$(call eq_s,$1,$2)) # negates value, returns empty for non-empty value and vice versa # $(call not,value) not = $(if $(strip $1),,1) # compares number values, returns negative value if num1 is less than num2, # a positive value if num1 is greather than 2 and 0 if both are equal # $(call compare,num1,num2) compare = $(call bc,$1-$2) # tests if num1 is less than num2 # $(call lt,num1,num2) lt = $(if $(findstring -,$(call compare,$1,$2)),1) # tests if num1 is greater than num2 # $(call gt,num1,num2) gt = $(call not,$(or $(call lt,$1,$2),$(call eq_s,$1,$2))) # tests if num1 is greater than or equal to num2 # $(call ge,num1,num2) ge = $(call not,$(call lt,$1,$2)) # tests if version parts (major, minor, patch) are greater or equal to required version parts # $(call ge_version,[major minor patch],[required-major required-minor required-patch]) ge_version = $(strip \ $(or \ $(call gt,$(or $(firstword $1),0),$(or $(firstword $2),0)), \ $(if $(call eq_s,$(or $(firstword $1),0),$(or $(firstword $2),0)), \ $(or \ $(call gt,$(or $(word 2,$1),0),$(or $(word 2,$2),0)) \ $(if $(call eq_s,$(or $(word 2,$1),0),$(or $(word 2,$2),0)), \ $(call ge,$(or $(word 3,$1),0),$(or $(word 3,$2),0)) \ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) # sorts numbers # $(call sort_n,value...) sort_n = $(shell LANG=C LC_ALL=C printf '%s\n' $1 | sort -n) # caluclates minimum of numeric values # $(call min,values...) min = $(firstword $(call sort_n,$1)) # caluclates maximum of numeric values # $(call max,values...) max = $(call lastword,$(call sort_n,$1)) # caluclates the value of an arithmetic expression # $(call bc,expr...) bc = $(shell echo "$$(($1))") # returns the tail of a list, removing its first element # $(call tail,element...) tail = $(wordlist 2,$(words $1),$1) # returns the last element of a list (implemented for backward compatiblity with gnu make 3.8) # $(call lastword,element...) ifneq ($(lastword 0 1),1) lastword = $(if $1,$(word $(words $1),$1),) endif # removes whitespace characters between positional argument and its value # $(call normalize_args,arg...,cmdline) normalize_args = $(if $1,$(call normalize_args,$(call tail,$1),$(subst $(firstword $1)$( ),$(firstword $1),$2)),$2) # parses the number of available job slots (-jx | --jobs X) # $(call jobslots,mflags...) jobslots = $(call lastword,$(shell printf '%s\n' $(call normalize_args,-j --jobs,$1) | sed -n -e 's@^\(--jobs=\?\|-j\)\([0-9]\+\)@\2@p')) # creates a colored message # $(call color,color-name,value...) color = '$(tc_$1)'$2'$(tc_reset)' $(COLOR)color = $2 # creates a command that prints a message when VERBOSE is disabled # $(call echo_if_silent_cmd,value...) echo_if_silent_cmd = VERBOSE=1 $(VERBOSE)echo_if_silent_cmd = { printf '$(DEFAULT_FMT) ' $1 && printf '\n'; } # creates a command which is printed before it is executed # $(call echo_cmd,command[,args...][,output-command]) echo_cmd = $(call echo_if_silent_cmd,$(or $3,$1) $2) && $1 $2 # creates a command which changes its working directory before it is executed # $(call chdir_cmd,target-name,workdir,command[,args...][,output-command]) chdir_cmd = \ $(call echo_if_silent_cmd,$(call color,green,$(addprefix TARGET=,$1) WORKDIR='$2') $(or $5,$3) $4) \ && (cd '$2' && PATH='$(cache.$1.env_path)' $3 $4) # overridable helper to create a command which is executed as part of a target rule # $(call run_cmd,target-name,command[,args...][,output-command]) run_cmd = $(call chdir_cmd,$1,$(OUTDIR)/$1,$2,$3,$4) # retrieves the host path environment variable value with optional target specific extensions # $(call env_host_path[,target-name]) env_host_path = $(call join_s,\ $(realpath \ $(cache.$1.extdir) \ $(addprefix $(DOBUILDDIR)/assets/adapters/,$(cache.$1.adapter)) \ ) \ $(PATH),\ : \ ) # overridable helper to retrieve the target default path environment variable value # $(call env_default_path,target-name) env_default_path = $(call env_host_path,$1) # retrieves the last modification time of each files in seconds since epoch # $(call mtime,file...) mtime = $(if $1,$(shell stat -c '%Y' $1)) # joins a list to a string # $(call join_s,element...[,separator]) join_s = $(subst $( ),$(strip $2),$(strip $1)) # splits a string to a list # $(call split_s,element...[,separator]) split_s = $(subst $(strip $2),$( ),$(strip $1)) # identity function # $(call identity,element...) identity = $1 # filters all elements matching given predicate # $(call filter_p,element...,predicate[,predicate-context]) filter_p = $(foreach elm,$1,$(if $(strip $(call $2,$(elm),$3)),$(elm),)) # tests inequality of list 1 and list 2 # $(call ne,elem1...,elem2...[,predicate]) ne = $(call not,$(call eq,$1,$2,$3)) # tests equality of list 1 and list 2 # $(call eq,elem1...,elem2...[,predicate]) eq = $(strip \ $(if \ $(call eq_s,$(words $1),$(words $2)), \ $(call eq_each,$1,$2,$(or $3,eq_s)) \ ) \ ) # tests equality of elements in list 1 and list 2 # $(call eq_each,list1_elem...,list2_elem...,predicate) eq_each = $(strip \ $(if $(strip $1),\ $(if \ $(call $3,$(firstword $1),$(firstword $2)), \ $(call eq_each,$(call tail,$1),$(call tail,$2),$3), \ ), \ 1 \ ) \ ) # encodes string to a valid make identifier # $(call id,string...) id = $(subst $( ),~,$(subst $(=),_,$(call base64_encode,$1))) # encodes string to base64 # $(call base64_encode,string...) base64_encode = $(shell echo $1 | base64) # decodes string from base64 # $(call base64_decode,string...) base64_decode = $(shell echo $1 | base64 -d) # replaces all elements which equals oldvalue with newvalue # $(call replace_all,element...,oldvalue,newvalue) replace_all = $(foreach elm,$1,$(if $(call eq_s,$(elm),$2),$3,$(elm))) # internal helper to generate the cartesian product of list1 to list8 using mapping function fn # $(call cartesian_product_helper,fn,emptylist_placeholder,elem1...,elem2..,elem3...,elem4...,elem5...,elem6...,elem7...,elem8...) cartesian_product_helper = $(strip \ $(foreach f1,$3,\ $(foreach f2,$4,\ $(foreach f3,$5,\ $(foreach f4,$6,\ $(foreach f5,$7,\ $(foreach f6,$8,\ $(foreach f7,$9,\ $(foreach f8,$(10),\ $(call $1,\ $(call replace_all,$(f1),$2,),\ $(call replace_all,$(f2),$2,),\ $(call replace_all,$(f3),$2,),\ $(call replace_all,$(f4),$2,),\ $(call replace_all,$(f5),$2,),\ $(call replace_all,$(f6),$2,),\ $(call replace_all,$(f7),$2,),\ $(call replace_all,$(f8),$2,)\ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) # generates the cartesian product of list1 to list8 using mapping function fn, mapping empty list to place holder value # $(call cartesian_product,fn,emptylist_placeholder,elem1...,elem2..,elem3...,elem4...,elem5...,elem6...,elem7...,elem8...) cartesian_product = $(call cartesian_product_helper,$1,$2,\ $(or $(strip $3),$2),\ $(or $(strip $4),$2),\ $(or $(strip $5),$2),\ $(or $(strip $6),$2),\ $(or $(strip $7),$2),\ $(or $(strip $8),$2),\ $(or $(strip $9),$2),\ $(or $(strip $(10)),$2)\ ) # combines elements of list1 to list8 using mapping function fn # $(call combine,fn,elem1...,elem2..,elem3...,elem4...,elem5...,elem6...,elem7...,elem8...) combine = $(call cartesian_product,$1,~EmptyList~,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9) # retrieves the version parts (major, minor) of a make version string # $(call make_version_parts,version-string) make_version_parts = $(shell echo '$1' | sed -ne 's![0]*\([^.]\+\).[0]*\([^.]\+\).*!\1 \2!p') # tests if make version is greater or equal to required version # $(call make_version_ge,required-version-string) make_version_ge = \ $(call ge_version, \ $(call make_version_parts,$(make_version)),\ $(call make_version_parts,$1)\ ) ####################################################################################################################### # Common defaults TOPDIR = $(call memorize,TOPDIR,$(DOBUILD_TOPDIR)) PROJECTDIR = $(call memorize,PROJECTDIR,$(DOBUILD_PROJECTDIR)) PROJECTNAME = $(call memorize,PROJECTNAME,$(DOBUILD_PROJECTNAME)) DOBUILDDIR := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(current_makefile))) OUTDIR = $(call memorize,OUTDIR,$(DOBUILD_OUTDIR)) BUILDDIR = $(call memorize,BUILDDIR,$(DOBUILD_BUILDDIR)) EXTDIR = $(call memorize,EXTDIR,$(DOBUILD_EXTDIR)) BUILDVERBOSE = $(call memorize,BUILDVERBOSE,$(DOBUILD_BUILDVERBOSE)) TESTVERBOSE = $(call memorize,TESTVERBOSE,$(DOBUILD_TESTVERBOSE)) BUILDSILENT = $(if $(BUILDVERBOSE),,1) TESTSILENT = $(if $(TESTVERBOSE),,1) BUILD_TESTING = $(call memorize,BUILD_TESTING,$(DOBUILD_BUILDTESTING)) VERSIONFILE = $(call memorize,VERSIONFILE,$(DOBUILD_PROJECTVERSIONFILE)) VERSION = $(call memorize,VERSION,$(DOBUILD_PROJECTVERSION)) USERID = $(call memorize,USERID,$(DOBUILD_USERID)) HOST_CONTAINER = $(call memorize,HOST_CONTAINER,$(DOBUILD_HOSTCONTAINER)) SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH ?= $(call memorize,SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH,$(shell $(DOBUILDDIR)/bin/get_source_date_epoch $(TOPDIR))) BUILDTIME = $(call memorize,BUILDTIME,$(shell date -u -d '@$(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH)' --rfc-3339 ns 2>/dev/null)) JOBSLOTS_DEFAULT = $(if $(findstring --jobserver-,$(make_cmdline)),2,$(shell nproc 2>/dev/null || echo '2')) JOBSLOTS = $(call memorize,JOBSLOTS,$(or $(DOBUILD_JOBSLOTS),$(JOBSLOTS_DEFAULT))) SKIP_MD5SUM = $(call memorize,SKIP_MD5SUM,$(DOBUILD_SKIPMD5SUM)) SKIP_CURL = $(call memorize,SKIP_CURL,$(DOBUILD_SKIPCURL)) SKIP_DEFAULTTARGET = $(call memorize,SKIP_DEFAULTTARGET,$(DOBUILD_SKIPDEFAULTTARGET)) SKIP_EXTERNSYNC = $(call memorize,SKIP_EXTERNSYNC,$(DOBUILD_SKIPEXTERNSYNC)) DEFAULTTARGET = $(BUILDTARGET) HOSTMARCH = MARCH = VENDOR = DISTRIB_ID = $(VENDOR) SYS = ABI = DISTRIB_VERSION = ID = VARIANT = EXCLUDE_HOSTMARCH = EXCLUDE_MARCH = EXCLUDE_VENDOR = EXCLUDE_DISTRIB_ID = $(EXCLUDE_VENDOR) EXCLUDE_SYS = EXCLUDE_ABI = EXCLUDE_DISTRIB_VERSION = EXCLUDE_ID = EXCLUDE_VARIANT = FILTER = $(call memorize,FILTER,$(DOBUILD_FILTER)) EXCLUDEFILTER = $(call memorize,EXCLUDEFILTER,$(DOBUILD_EXCLUDEFILTER)) MEMCHECKFILTER = $(call memorize,MEMCHECKFILTER,$(DOBUILD_FILTERMEMCHECK)) $(VERBOSE)SILENT := @ make_pid = $(call memorize,make_pid,$(shell echo "$$PPID")) make_cmdline = $(call memorize,make_cmdline,$(shell set -- $$(ps T 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e 's!^\s*$(make_pid)\s\+.*\($(call escape,$(MAKE),!)\s\+.*\)!\1!p') && echo "$$@")) machine = $(call memorize,machine,$(shell uname -m 2>/dev/null)) make_version = $(MAKE_VERSION) make_version_req = 3.81 # defines $, $; $% $= $: $(\#) $(\\) $($$) $( ) variables. # NOTE: $(,) has to be used within macros to avoid conflict with argument spliting operator , , := , ; := ; % := % esc_slash := \\ $(esc_slash) := \\ esc_hash := \\\# $(esc_hash) := \# esc_equal := = $(esc_equal) := = esc_colon := : $(esc_colon) := : esc_dollar := $$ $(esc_dollar) := $$ esc_space := esc_space += $(esc_space) := $(esc_space) += define n endef DEFAULT_FMT := %s ifneq ($(COLOR),) DEFAULT_FMT := %b tc_red := \033[0;31m tc_green := \033[0;32m tc_brown := \033[0;33m tc_blue := \033[0;34m tc_purple := \033[0;35m tc_cyan := \033[0;36m tc_light_gray := \033[0;37m tc_dark_gray := \033[1;30m tc_light_green := \033[1;32m tc_yellow := \033[1;33m tc_light_blue := \033[1;34m tc_light_purple := \033[1;35m tc_light_cyan := \033[1;36m tc_reset := \033[0m endif docker_runflags = docker_buildflags = image_buildargs = project_targets = ####################################################################################################################### # Makefile dependencies MAKEFILE_DEPS += cat MAKEFILE_DEPS += id MAKEFILE_DEPS += echo MAKEFILE_DEPS += sed MAKEFILE_DEPS += pwd MAKEFILE_DEPS += cd MAKEFILE_DEPS += sort MAKEFILE_DEPS += printf MAKEFILE_DEPS += test MAKEFILE_DEPS += base64 MAKEFILE_DEPS += stat ####################################################################################################################### # Basic assertions ASSERTIONS += $(call assert_scalar,$(PROJECTDIR),Project directory PROJECTDIR='$(PROJECTDIR)' should not contain whitespaces) ASSERTIONS += $(call assert_scalar,$(OUTDIR),Output directory OUTDIR='$(OUTDIR)' should not contain whitespaces) ASSERTIONS += $(call assert_scalar,$(DOBUILDDIR),Script directory DOBUILDDIR='$(DOBUILDDIR)' should not contain whitespaces) ASSERTIONS += $(call assert,$(call not,$(filter $(abspath $(PROJECTDIR)),$(abspath $(sort $(OUTDIR) $(OUTDIRS))))),Project \ location PROJECTDIR='$(abspath $(PROJECTDIR))' should not point to one of the output locations:$n \ $(addsuffix $n,$(abspath $(sort $(OUTDIR) $(OUTDIRS))))) ASSERTIONS += $(call assert,$(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH),Value of variable SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH should not be empty) ASSERTIONS += $(call assert,$(or $(SKIP_DEFAULTTARGET),$(filter $(DEFAULTTARGET),$(project_targets))),Default \ target TARGET='$(DEFAULTTARGET)' is not contained in the list of project targets:$n \ $(addsuffix $n,$(sort $(project_targets)))) ASSERTIONS += $(call assert,$(or $(call not,$(project_targets)),$(strip $(TARGETS))),No target matches$(,) with include \ FILTER=[$(call join_s,$(FILTER),$(,))] and exclude filter EXCLUDEFILTER=[$(call join_s,$(EXCLUDEFILTER),$(,))]$(,) \ one of the project targets:$n $(addsuffix $n,$(sort $(project_targets)))) EXPECTATIONS += $(call expect,$(call make_version_ge,$(make_version_req)),Using old make version=$(make_version)$(,) \ consider upgrading to a newer version >= $(make_version_req)) endif