#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "webfuse_provider.h" struct config { char * url; struct wfp_client_config * client_config; bool show_help; }; enum fs_entry_type { FS_FILE, FS_DIR }; struct fs_entry { ino_t parent; ino_t inode; char const * name; int mode; enum fs_entry_type type; size_t content_length; char const * content; }; struct fs { struct fs_entry const * entries; }; static void show_help() { printf( "webfuse-provider, Copyright (c) 2019, webfuse authors \n" "Example for websocket file system provider\n" "\n" "Usage: webfuse-provider -u [-k ] [-c ]\n" "\n" "Options:\n" "\t-u, --url URL of webfuse server (required)\n" "\t-k, --key_path Path to private key of provider (default: not set, TLS disabled)\n" "\t-c, --cert_path Path to certificate of provider (defautl: not set, TLS disabled)\n" "\t-h, --help prints this message\n" "\n" "Example:\n" "\twebfuse-provider -u ws://localhost:8080/\n" "\n" ); } static int parse_arguments( int argc, char* argv[], struct config * config) { static struct option const options[] = { {"url", required_argument, NULL, 'u'}, {"key_path", required_argument, NULL, 'k'}, {"cert_path", required_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; int result = EXIT_SUCCESS; bool finished = false; while (!finished) { int option_index = 0; int const c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "u:k:c:h", options, &option_index); switch (c) { case -1: finished = true; break; case 'h': config->show_help = true; finished = true; break; case 'u': free(config->url); config->url = strdup(optarg); break; case 'k': wfp_client_config_set_keypath(config->client_config, optarg); break; case 'c': wfp_client_config_set_certpath(config->client_config, optarg); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown argument\n"); finished = true; result = EXIT_FAILURE; break; } if (NULL == config->url) { fprintf(stderr, "error: missing required argument \"-u\"\n"); result = EXIT_FAILURE; } if (result != EXIT_SUCCESS) { config->show_help = true; } } return result; } static struct fs_entry const * fs_getentry( struct fs * fs, ino_t inode) { for (size_t i = 0; 0 != fs->entries[i].inode; i++) { struct fs_entry const * entry = &fs->entries[i]; if (inode == entry->inode) { return entry; } } return NULL; } static struct fs_entry const * fs_getentry_byname( struct fs * fs, ino_t parent, char const * name) { for( size_t i = 0; 0 != fs->entries[i].inode; i++) { struct fs_entry const * entry = &fs->entries[i]; if ((parent == entry->parent) && (0 == strcmp(name, entry->name))) { return entry; } } return NULL; } static void fs_stat( struct fs_entry const * entry, struct stat * stat) { memset(stat, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); stat->st_ino = entry->inode; stat->st_mode = entry->mode; if (FS_DIR == entry->type) { stat->st_mode |= S_IFDIR; } if (FS_FILE == entry->type) { stat->st_mode |= S_IFREG; stat->st_size = entry->content_length; } } static void fs_lookup( struct wfp_request * request, ino_t parent, char const * name, void * user_data) { struct fs * fs = (struct fs*) user_data; struct fs_entry const * entry = fs_getentry_byname(fs, parent, name); if (NULL != entry) { struct stat stat; fs_stat(entry, &stat); wfp_respond_lookup(request, &stat); } else { wfp_respond_error(request, WF_BAD_NOENTRY); } } static void fs_getattr( struct wfp_request * request, ino_t inode, void * user_data) { struct fs * fs = (struct fs*) user_data; struct fs_entry const * entry = fs_getentry(fs, inode); if (NULL != entry) { struct stat stat; fs_stat(entry, &stat); wfp_respond_getattr(request, &stat); } else { wfp_respond_error(request, WF_BAD_NOENTRY); } } static void fs_readdir( struct wfp_request * request, ino_t directory, void * user_data) { struct fs * fs = (struct fs*) user_data; struct fs_entry const * dir = fs_getentry(fs, directory); if ((NULL != dir) && (FS_DIR == dir->type)) { struct wfp_dirbuffer * buffer = wfp_dirbuffer_create(); wfp_dirbuffer_add(buffer, ".", dir->inode); wfp_dirbuffer_add(buffer, "..", dir->inode); for(size_t i = 0; 0 != fs->entries[i].inode; i++) { struct fs_entry const * entry = &fs->entries[i]; if (directory == entry->parent) { wfp_dirbuffer_add(buffer, entry->name, entry->inode); } } wfp_respond_readdir(request, buffer); wfp_dirbuffer_dispose(buffer); } else { wfp_respond_error(request, WF_BAD_NOENTRY); } } static void fs_open( struct wfp_request * request, ino_t inode, int flags, void * user_data) { struct fs * fs = (struct fs*) user_data; struct fs_entry const * entry = fs_getentry(fs, inode); if ((NULL != entry) && (FS_FILE == entry->type)) { if (O_RDONLY == (flags & O_ACCMODE)) { wfp_respond_open(request, 0U); } else { wfp_respond_error(request, WF_BAD_ACCESS_DENIED); } } else { wfp_respond_error(request, WF_BAD_NOENTRY); } } static size_t min(size_t const a, size_t const b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; } static void fs_read( struct wfp_request * request, ino_t inode, uint32_t handle, size_t offset, size_t length, void * user_data) { (void) handle; struct fs * fs = (struct fs*) user_data; struct fs_entry const * entry = fs_getentry(fs, inode); if ((NULL != entry) && (FS_FILE == entry->type)) { if (entry->content_length > offset) { size_t const remaining = entry->content_length - offset; size_t const count = min(remaining, length); wfp_respond_read(request, &entry->content[offset], count); } else { wfp_respond_error(request, WF_BAD); } } else { wfp_respond_error(request, WF_BAD_NOENTRY); } } static volatile bool shutdown_requested = false; static void on_interrupt(int signal_id) { (void) signal_id; shutdown_requested = true; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { struct config config; config.url = NULL; config.show_help = false; config.client_config = wfp_client_config_create(); int result = parse_arguments(argc, argv, &config); if (EXIT_SUCCESS == result) { static struct fs_entry const entries[]= { {.parent = 0, .inode = 1, .name = "", .mode = 0555, .type = FS_DIR}, { .parent = 1, .inode = 2, .name = "hello.txt", .mode = 0444, .type = FS_FILE, .content="hello, world!", .content_length = 13, }, {.parent = 0, .inode = 0, .name = NULL} }; struct fs fs = { .entries = entries }; signal(SIGINT, &on_interrupt); wfp_client_config_set_userdata(config.client_config, &fs); wfp_client_config_set_onlookup(config.client_config, &fs_lookup); wfp_client_config_set_ongetattr(config.client_config, &fs_getattr); wfp_client_config_set_onreaddir(config.client_config, &fs_readdir); wfp_client_config_set_onopen(config.client_config, &fs_open); wfp_client_config_set_onread(config.client_config, &fs_read); struct wfp_client * client = wfp_client_create(config.client_config); wfp_client_connect(client, config.url); while (!shutdown_requested) { wfp_client_service(client); } wfp_client_dispose(client); } if (config.show_help) { show_help(); } free(config.url); wfp_client_config_dispose(config.client_config); return result; }