import { getTarget } from '../path' import { toSync } from '../utils' import { SyncDoc } from '../model' import { AddMarkOperation, RemoveMarkOperation, SetMarkOperation } from 'slate' const findIndex = (node, mark) => node.marks.findIndex(m => m.type === mark.type) export const addMark = (doc: SyncDoc, op: AddMarkOperation) => { const node = getTarget(doc, op.path) if (node.object !== 'text') { throw new TypeError('cannot set marks on non-text node') } if (findIndex(node, op.mark) < 0) node.marks.push(toSync(op.mark.toJS())) return doc } export const removeMark = (doc: SyncDoc, op: RemoveMarkOperation) => { const node = getTarget(doc, op.path) if (node.object !== 'text') { throw new TypeError('cannot set marks on non-text node') } const index = findIndex(node, op.mark) if (index >= 0) node.marks.splice(index, 1) return doc } export const setMark = (doc: SyncDoc, op: SetMarkOperation) => { const node = getTarget(doc, op.path) if (node.object !== 'text') { throw new TypeError('cannot set marks on non-text node') } const index = findIndex(node, if (index === -1) { console.warn('did not find old mark with properties', if (!op.newProperties.type) { throw new TypeError('no old mark, and new mark missing type') } node.marks.push({ object: 'mark', type: op.newProperties.type, ...op.newProperties }) } else { node.marks[index] = { object: 'mark', ...node.marks[index], ...op.newProperties } } return doc } export default { add_mark: addMark, remove_mark: removeMark, set_mark: setMark }