# slate-collaborative. Check [demo](https://slate-collaborative.herokuapp.com/) slatejs collaborative plugin & microservice ![screencast2019-10-2820-06-10](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23132107/67700384-ebff7280-f9be-11e9-9005-6ddadcafec47.gif) A little experiment for co-editing. Based on idea of https://github.com/humandx/slate-automerge # API ## Client Use it as a simple slatejs plugin ```ts import { withIOCollaboration } from '@slate-collaborative/client' const collaborationEditor = withIOCollaboration(editor, options) ``` Check [detailed example](https://github.com/cudr/slate-collaborative/blob/master/packages/example/src/Client.tsx) ### Options: ```ts { docId?: // document id url?: string // url to open connection connectOpts?: SocketIOClient.ConnectOpts // socket.io-client options cursorData?: any // any data passed to cursor onConnect?: () => void // connect callback onDisconnect?: () => void // disconnect callback } ``` You need to attach the useCursor decorator to provide custom cursor data in renderLeaf function ```ts import { useCursor } from '@slate-collaborative/client' const decorator = useCursor(editor) ``` ## Backend ```ts const { SocketIOConnection } = require('@slate-collaborative/backend') const connection = new SocketIOConnection(options) ``` ### options: ```ts { entry: Server // or specify port to start io server defaultValue: Node[] // default value saveFrequency: number // frequency of onDocumentSave callback execution in ms onAuthRequest: ( // auth callback query: Object, socket?: SocketIO.Socket ) => Promise | boolean onDocumentLoad: ( // request slate document callback pathname: string, query?: Object ) => Promise | Node[] onDocumentSave: (pathname: string, doc: Node[]) => Promise | void // save document callback } ``` # Contribute You welcome to contribute! start it ease: ``` yarn yarn dev ```