import io from '' import * as Automerge from 'automerge' import { Node } from 'slate' import { Server } from 'http' import throttle from 'lodash/throttle' import { SyncDoc, CollabAction, toJS } from '@slate-collaborative/bridge' import { getClients } from './utils' import AutomergeBackend from './AutomergeBackend' export interface SocketIOCollaborationOptions { entry: number | Server connectOpts?: SocketIO.ServerOptions defaultValue?: Node[] saveFrequency?: number onAuthRequest?: ( query: Object, socket?: SocketIO.Socket ) => Promise | boolean onDocumentLoad?: ( pathname: string, query?: Object ) => Promise | Node[] onDocumentSave?: (pathname: string, doc: Node[]) => Promise | void } export default class SocketIOCollaboration { private io: SocketIO.Server private options: SocketIOCollaborationOptions private backend: AutomergeBackend /** * Constructor */ constructor(options: SocketIOCollaborationOptions) { = io(options.entry, options.connectOpts) this.backend = new AutomergeBackend() this.options = options this.configure() return this } /** * Initial IO configuration */ private configure = () => .of(this.nspMiddleware) .use(this.authMiddleware) .on('connect', this.onConnect) /** * Namespace SocketIO middleware. Load document value and append it to CollaborationBackend. */ private nspMiddleware = async (path: string, query: any, next: any) => { const { onDocumentLoad } = this.options if (!this.backend.getDocument(path)) { const doc = onDocumentLoad ? await onDocumentLoad(path, query) : this.options.defaultValue if (!doc) return next(null, false) this.backend.appendDocument(path, doc) } return next(null, true) } /** * SocketIO auth middleware. Used for user authentification. */ private authMiddleware = async ( socket: SocketIO.Socket, next: (e?: any) => void ) => { const { query } = socket.handshake const { onAuthRequest } = this.options if (onAuthRequest) { const permit = await onAuthRequest(query, socket) if (!permit) return next(new Error(`Authentification error: ${}`)) } return next() } /** * On 'connect' handler. */ private onConnect = (socket: SocketIO.Socket) => { const { id, conn } = socket const { name } = socket.nsp this.backend.createConnection(id, ({ type, payload }: CollabAction) => { socket.emit('msg', { type, payload: { id:, ...payload } }) }) socket.on('msg', this.onMessage(id, name)) socket.on('disconnect', this.onDisconnect(id, socket)) socket.join(id, () => { const doc = this.backend.getDocument(name) socket.emit('msg', { type: 'document', payload: }) this.backend.openConnection(id) }) this.garbageCursors(name) } /** * On 'message' handler */ private onMessage = (id: string, name: string) => (data: any) => { switch (data.type) { case 'operation': try { this.backend.receiveOperation(id, data) this.autoSaveDoc(name) this.garbageCursors(name) } catch (e) { console.log(e) } } } /** * Save document with throttle */ private autoSaveDoc = throttle( async (docId: string) => this.backend.getDocument(docId) && this.saveDocument(docId), this.options?.saveFrequency || 2000 ) /** * Save document */ private saveDocument = async (docId: string) => { try { const { onDocumentSave } = this.options const doc = this.backend.getDocument(docId) if (!doc) { throw new Error(`Can't receive document by id: ${docId}`) } onDocumentSave && (await onDocumentSave(docId, toJS(doc.children))) } catch (e) { console.error(e, docId) } } /** * On 'disconnect' handler */ private onDisconnect = (id: string, socket: SocketIO.Socket) => async () => { this.backend.closeConnection(id) await this.saveDocument( this.garbageCursors( socket.leave(id) this.garbageNsp() } /** * Clean up unused SocketIO namespaces. */ garbageNsp = () => { Object.keys( .filter(n => n !== '/') .forEach(nsp => { getClients(, nsp).then((clientsList: any) => { if (!clientsList.length) { this.backend.removeDocument(nsp) delete[nsp] } }) }) } /** * Clean up unused cursor data. */ garbageCursors = (nsp: string) => { const doc = this.backend.getDocument(nsp) if (doc == null || doc == undefined) return; if (!doc.cursors) return const namespace = Object.keys(doc?.cursors)?.forEach(key => { if (!namespace.sockets[key]) { this.backend.garbageCursor(nsp, key) } }) } /** * Destroy SocketIO connection */ destroy = async () => { } }