import io from '' import { AutomergeEditor } from './automerge-editor' import { CollabAction } from '@slate-collaborative/bridge' export interface SocketIOPluginOptions { url: string connectOpts: SocketIOClient.ConnectOpts autoConnect?: boolean onConnect?: () => void onDisconnect?: () => void } export interface WithSocketIOEditor { socket: SocketIOClient.Socket connect: () => void disconnect: () => void send: (op: CollabAction) => void receive: (op: CollabAction) => void destroy: () => void } /** * The `withSocketIO` plugin contains SocketIO layer logic. */ const withSocketIO = ( editor: T, options: SocketIOPluginOptions ) => { const e = editor as T & WithSocketIOEditor const { onConnect, onDisconnect, connectOpts, url, autoConnect } = options /** * Connect to Socket. */ e.connect = () => { if (!e.socket) { e.socket = io(url, { ...connectOpts }) e.socket.on('connect', () => { e.clientId = e.openConnection() onConnect && onConnect() }) } e.socket.on('msg', (data: CollabAction) => { e.receive(data) }) e.socket.on('disconnect', () => { e.gabageCursor() onDisconnect && onDisconnect() }) e.socket.connect() return e } /** * Disconnect from Socket. */ e.disconnect = () => { e.socket.removeListener('msg') e.socket.close() e.closeConnection() return e } /** * Receive transport msg. */ e.receive = (msg: CollabAction) => { switch (msg.type) { case 'operation': return e.receiveOperation(msg.payload) case 'document': return e.receiveDocument(msg.payload) } } /** * Send message to socket. */ e.send = (msg: CollabAction) => { e.socket.emit('msg', msg) } /** * Close socket and connection. */ e.destroy = () => { e.socket.close() e.closeConnection() } autoConnect && e.connect() return e } export default withSocketIO