## Monaco Collaborative Extensions [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/convergencelabs/monaco-collab-ext.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/convergencelabs/monaco-collab-ext) Enhances the [Monaco Editor](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor) by adding the ability to render cues about what remote users are doing in the system. ![demo graphic](./docs/demo.gif "Shared Cursors and Selections") ## Installation Install package with NPM and add it to your development dependencies: ```npm install --save-dev @convergencelabs/monaco-collab-ext``` ## Demo Go [here](https://examples.convergence.io/monaco/index.html) to see a live demo of multiple cursors, multiple selections, and remote scrollbars (Visit on multiple browsers, or even better, point a friend to it too). This uses [Convergence](https://convergence.io) to handle the synchronization of data and user actions. ## Usage ### RemoteCursorManager The RemoteCursorManager allows you to easily render the cursors of other users working in the same document. The cursor position can be represented as either a single linear index or as a 2-dimensional position in the form of ```{lineNumber: 0, column: 10}```. ```JavaScript const editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById("editor"), { value: "function helloWolrd = () => { console.log('hello world!')", theme: "vs-dark'", language: 'javascript' }); const remoteCursorManager = new MonacoCollabExt.RemoteCursorManager({ editor: editor, tooltips: true, tooltipDuration: 2 }); const cursor = remoteCursorManager.addCursor("jDoe", "blue", "John Doe"); // Set the position of the cursor. cursor.setOffset(4); // Hide the cursor cursor.hide(); // Show the cursor cursor.show(); // Remove the cursor. cursor.dispose(); ``` ### RemoteSelectionManager The RemoteSelectionManager allows you to easily render the selection of other users working in the same document. ```JavaScript const editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById("editor"), { value: "function helloWolrd = () => { console.log('hello world!')", theme: "vs-dark'", language: 'javascript' }); const remoteSelectionManager = new MonacoCollabExt.RemoteSelectionManager({editor: editor}); const selection = remoteSelectionManager.addSelection("jDoe", "blue"); // Set the range of the selection using zero-based offsets. selection.setOffsets(45, 55); // Hide the selection selection.hide(); // Show the selection selection.show(); // Remove the selection. selection.dispose(); ``` ### EditorContentManager The EditorContentManager simplifies dealing with local and remote changes to the editor. ```JavaScript const editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById("editor"), { value: "function helloWolrd = () => { console.log('hello world!')", theme: "vs-dark'", language: 'javascript' }); const contentManager = new MonacoCollabExt.EditorContentManager({ editor: editor, onInsert(index, text) { console.log("Insert", index, text); }, onReplace(index, length, text) { console.log("Replace", index, length, text); }, onDelete(index, length) { console.log("Delete", index, length); } }); // Insert text into the editor at offset 5. contentManager.insert(5, "some text"); // Replace the text in the editor at range 5 - 10. contentManager.replace(5, 10, "some text"); // Delete the text in the editor at range 5 - 10. contentManager.delete(5, 10); // Release resources when done contentManager.dispose(); ```