/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Convergence Labs, Inc. * * This file is part of the Monaco Collaborative Extensions, which is * released under the terms of the MIT license. A copy of the MIT license * is usually provided as part of this source code package in the LICENCE * file. If it was not, please see */ import {editor, IDisposable, IPosition} from "monaco-editor"; import {EditorContentManager} from "./EditorContentManager"; import {OnDisposed} from "./OnDisposed"; import {Validation} from "./Validation"; interface Configuration { readonly lineHeight: number; } function getConfiguration(editorInstance: editor.ICodeEditor): Configuration { // Support for Monaco < 0.19.0 if (typeof (editorInstance as any).getConfiguration === 'function') { return (editorInstance as any).getConfiguration() } return { lineHeight: editorInstance.getOption(editor.EditorOption.lineHeight) }; } /** * This class implements a Monaco Content Widget to render a remote user's * cursor, and an optional tooltip. * * @internal */ export class RemoteCursorWidget implements editor.IContentWidget, IDisposable { private readonly _id: string; private readonly _editor: editor.ICodeEditor; private readonly _domNode: HTMLDivElement; private readonly _tooltipNode: HTMLDivElement | null; private readonly _tooltipDuration: number; private readonly _scrollListener: IDisposable | null; private readonly _onDisposed: OnDisposed; private readonly _contentManager: EditorContentManager; private _position: editor.IContentWidgetPosition | null; private _offset: number; private _hideTimer: any; private _disposed: boolean; constructor(codeEditor: editor.ICodeEditor, widgetId: string, color: string, label: string, tooltipEnabled: boolean, tooltipDuration: number, onDisposed: OnDisposed) { this._editor = codeEditor; this._tooltipDuration = tooltipDuration; this._id = `monaco-remote-cursor-${widgetId}`; this._onDisposed = onDisposed; // Create the main node for the cursor element. const {lineHeight} = getConfiguration(this._editor); this._domNode = document.createElement("div"); this._domNode.className = "monaco-remote-cursor"; this._domNode.style.background = color; this._domNode.style.height = `${lineHeight}px`; // Create the tooltip element if the tooltip is enabled. if (tooltipEnabled) { this._tooltipNode = document.createElement("div"); this._tooltipNode.className = "monaco-remote-cursor-tooltip"; this._tooltipNode.style.background = color; this._tooltipNode.innerHTML = label; this._domNode.appendChild(this._tooltipNode); // we only need to listen to scroll positions to update the // tooltip location on scrolling. this._scrollListener = this._editor.onDidScrollChange(() => { this._updateTooltipPosition(); }); } else { this._tooltipNode = null; this._scrollListener = null; } this._contentManager = new EditorContentManager({ editor: this._editor, onInsert: this._onInsert, onReplace: this._onReplace, onDelete: this._onDelete }); this._hideTimer = null; this._editor.addContentWidget(this); this._offset = -1; this._disposed = false; } public hide(): void { this._domNode.style.display = "none"; } public show(): void { this._domNode.style.display = "inherit"; } public setOffset(offset: number): void { Validation.assertNumber(offset, "offset"); const position = this._editor.getModel().getPositionAt(offset); this.setPosition(position); } public setPosition(position: IPosition): void { Validation.assertPosition(position, "position"); this._updatePosition(position); if (this._tooltipNode !== null) { setTimeout(() => this._showTooltip(), 0); } } public isDisposed(): boolean { return this._disposed; } public dispose(): void { if (this._disposed) { return; } this._editor.removeContentWidget(this); if (this._scrollListener !== null) { this._scrollListener.dispose(); } this._contentManager.dispose(); this._disposed = true; this._onDisposed(); } public getId(): string { return this._id; } public getDomNode(): HTMLElement { return this._domNode; } public getPosition(): editor.IContentWidgetPosition | null { return this._position; } private _updatePosition(position: IPosition): void { this._position = { position: {...position}, preference: [editor.ContentWidgetPositionPreference.EXACT] }; this._offset = this._editor.getModel().getOffsetAt(position); this._editor.layoutContentWidget(this); } private _showTooltip(): void { this._updateTooltipPosition(); if (this._hideTimer !== null) { clearTimeout(this._hideTimer); } else { this._setTooltipVisible(true); } this._hideTimer = setTimeout(() => { this._setTooltipVisible(false); this._hideTimer = null; }, this._tooltipDuration); } private _updateTooltipPosition(): void { const distanceFromTop = this._domNode.offsetTop - this._editor.getScrollTop(); if (distanceFromTop - this._tooltipNode.offsetHeight < 5) { this._tooltipNode.style.top = `${this._tooltipNode.offsetHeight + 2}px`; } else { this._tooltipNode.style.top = `-${this._tooltipNode.offsetHeight}px`; } this._tooltipNode.style.left = "0"; } private _setTooltipVisible(visible: boolean): void { if (visible) { this._tooltipNode.style.opacity = "1.0"; } else { this._tooltipNode.style.opacity = "0"; } } private _onInsert = (index: number, text: string) => { if (this._position === null) { return; } const offset = this._offset; if (index <= offset) { const newOffset = offset + text.length; const position = this._editor.getModel().getPositionAt(newOffset); this._updatePosition(position); } } private _onReplace = (index: number, length: number, text: string) => { if (this._position === null) { return; } const offset = this._offset; if (index <= offset) { const newOffset = (offset - Math.min(offset - index, length)) + text.length; const position = this._editor.getModel().getPositionAt(newOffset); this._updatePosition(position); } } private _onDelete = (index: number, length: number) => { if (this._position === null) { return; } const offset = this._offset; if (index <= offset) { const newOffset = offset - Math.min(offset - index, length); const position = this._editor.getModel().getPositionAt(newOffset); this._updatePosition(position); } } }