/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Convergence Labs, Inc. * * This file is part of the Monaco Collaborative Extensions, which is * released under the terms of the MIT license. A copy of the MIT license * is usually provided as part of this source code package in the LICENCE * file. If it was not, please see */ import * as monaco from "monaco-editor"; import {editor, IDisposable} from "monaco-editor"; import {Validation} from "./Validation"; /** * The IEditorContentManagerOptions interface represents the set of options that * configures how the EditorContentManager behaves. */ export interface IEditorContentManagerOptions { /** * The instance of the Monaco editor to add the remote cursors to. */ editor: monaco.editor.ICodeEditor; /** * Handles cases where text was inserted into the editor. * * @param index * The zero-based offset where the text insert occurred. * @param text * the text that was inserted. */ onInsert?: (index: number, text: string) => void; /** * Handles cases where text was replaced in the editor. * * @param index * The zero-based offset at the beginning of the replaced range. * @param length * The length of the range that was replaced. * @param text * the text that was inserted. */ onReplace?: (index: number, length: number, text: string) => void; /** * Handles cases where text was deleted from the editor. * * @param index * The zero-based offset at the beginning of the removed range. * @param length * The length of the range that was removed. */ onDelete?: (index: number, length: number) => void; /** * The source id that will be used when making remote edits. */ remoteSourceId?: string; } /** * The EditorContentManager facilitates listening to local content changes and * the playback of remote content changes into the editor. */ export class EditorContentManager { /** * Option defaults. * * @internal */ private static readonly _DEFAULTS = { onInsert: () => { // no-op }, onReplace: () => { // no-op }, onDelete: () => { // no-op }, remoteSourceId: "remote" }; /** * The options that configure the EditorContentManager. * @internal */ private readonly _options: IEditorContentManagerOptions; /** * A flag denoting if outgoing events should be suppressed. * @internal */ private _suppress: boolean; /** * A callback to dispose of the content change listener. * @internal */ private _disposer: IDisposable; /** * Constructs a new EditorContentManager using the supplied options. * * @param options * The options that configure the EditorContentManager. */ constructor(options: IEditorContentManagerOptions) { this._options = {...EditorContentManager._DEFAULTS, ...options}; Validation.assertDefined(this._options, "options"); Validation.assertDefined(this._options.editor, "options.editor"); Validation.assertFunction(this._options.onInsert, "options.onInsert"); Validation.assertFunction(this._options.onReplace, "options.onReplace"); Validation.assertFunction(this._options.onDelete, "options.onDelete"); this._disposer = this._options.editor.onDidChangeModelContent(this._onContentChanged); } /** * Inserts text into the editor. * * @param index * The index to insert text at. * @param text * The text to insert. */ public insert(index: number, text: string): void { this._suppress = true; const {editor: ed, remoteSourceId} = this._options; const position = ed.getModel().getPositionAt(index); ed.executeEdits(remoteSourceId, [{ range: new monaco.Range( position.lineNumber, position.column, position.lineNumber, position.column ), text, forceMoveMarkers: true }]); this._suppress = false; } /** * Replaces text in the editor. * * @param index * The start index of the range to replace. * @param length * The length of the range to replace. * @param text * The text to insert. */ public replace(index: number, length: number, text: string): void { this._suppress = true; const {editor: ed, remoteSourceId} = this._options; const start = ed.getModel().getPositionAt(index); const end = ed.getModel().getPositionAt(index + length); ed.executeEdits(remoteSourceId, [{ range: new monaco.Range( start.lineNumber, start.column, end.lineNumber, end.column ), text, forceMoveMarkers: true }]); this._suppress = false; } /** * Deletes text in the editor. * * @param index * The start index of the range to remove. * @param length * The length of the range to remove. */ public delete(index: number, length: number): void { this._suppress = true; const {editor: ed, remoteSourceId} = this._options; const start = ed.getModel().getPositionAt(index); const end = ed.getModel().getPositionAt(index + length); ed.executeEdits(remoteSourceId, [{ range: new monaco.Range( start.lineNumber, start.column, end.lineNumber, end.column ), text: "", forceMoveMarkers: true }]); this._suppress = false; } /** * Disposes of the content manager, freeing any resources. */ public dispose(): void { this._disposer.dispose(); } /** * A helper method to process local changes from Monaco. * * @param e * The event to process. * @private * @internal */ private _onContentChanged = (e: editor.IModelContentChangedEvent) => { if (!this._suppress) { e.changes.forEach((change: editor.IModelContentChange) => this._processChange(change)); } } /** * A helper method to process a single content change. * * @param change * The change to process. * @private * @internal */ private _processChange(change: editor.IModelContentChange): void { Validation.assertDefined(change, "change"); const {rangeOffset, rangeLength, text} = change; if (text.length > 0 && rangeLength === 0) { this._options.onInsert(rangeOffset, text); } else if (text.length > 0 && rangeLength > 0) { this._options.onReplace(rangeOffset, rangeLength, text); } else if (text.length === 0 && rangeLength > 0) { this._options.onDelete(rangeOffset, rangeLength); } else { throw new Error("Unexpected change: " + JSON.stringify(change)); } } }