#include "../cpu/isr.h" #include "../drivers/screen.h" #include "kernel.h" #include "../libc/string.h" #include "../libc/mem.h" #include <stdint.h> void kernel_main() { isr_install(); irq_install(); asm("int $2"); asm("int $3"); kprint("Type something, it will go through the kernel\n" "Type END to halt the CPU or PAGE to request a kmalloc()\n> "); } void user_input(char *input) { if (strcmp(input, "END") == 0) { kprint("Stopping the CPU. Bye!\n"); asm volatile("hlt"); } else if (strcmp(input, "PAGE") == 0) { /* Lesson 22: Code to test kmalloc, the rest is unchanged */ uint32_t phys_addr; uint32_t page = kmalloc(1000, 1, &phys_addr); char page_str[16] = ""; hex_to_ascii(page, page_str); char phys_str[16] = ""; hex_to_ascii(phys_addr, phys_str); kprint("Page: "); kprint(page_str); kprint(", physical address: "); kprint(phys_str); kprint("\n"); } kprint("You said: "); kprint(input); kprint("\n> "); }