PYTESTS = $(wildcard test/test_*.py) .PHONY: all all: @$(MAKE) usage | less # Display usage for all make targets .PHONY: usage usage: @echo @echo 'make TARGET [option=value, ...]' @echo @echo 'TESTING' @echo @echo ' make test [testargs=ARGS]' @echo ' - Run all tests. "testargs" can specify a single string of arguments' @echo ' for py.test.' @echo @echo ' make .py [testargs=ARGS]' @echo ' - Run tests from a specific test file. "testargs" can specify a' @echo ' single string of arguments for py.test.' @echo @echo ' make testhost [version=VERSION]' @echo ' - Create an ephemeral container for doing adhoc yadm testing. The' @echo ' HEAD revision of yadm will be used unless "version" is' @echo ' specified. "version" can be set to any commit, branch, tag, etc.' @echo ' The targeted "version" will be retrieved from the repo, and' @echo ' linked into the container as a local volume.' @echo @echo 'LINTING' @echo @echo ' make testenv' @echo ' - Create a python virtual environment with the dependencies used' @echo " by yadm's testbed environment. Creating and activating this" @echo ' environment might be useful if your editor does real time' @echo ' linting of python files. After creating the virtual environment,' @echo ' you can activate it by typing' @echo @echo 'MANPAGES' @echo @echo ' make man' @echo ' - View yadm.1 as a standard manpage.' @echo @echo ' make man-wide' @echo ' - View yadm.1 as a manpage, using all columns of your display.' @echo @echo ' make man-ps' @echo ' - Create a postscript version of the manpage.' @echo @echo 'FILE GENERATION' @echo @echo ' make' @echo ' - Generate the markdown version of the manpage (for viewing on' @echo ' the web).' @echo @echo ' make contrib' @echo ' - Generate the CONTRIBUTORS file, from the repo history.' @echo @echo 'UTILITIES' @echo @echo ' make sync-clock' @echo ' - Reset the hardware clock for the docker hypervisor host. This' @echo ' can be useful for docker engine hosts which are not' @echo ' Linux-based.' @echo # Make it possible to run make specifying a py.test test file .PHONY: $(PYTESTS) $(PYTESTS): @$(MAKE) test testargs="-k $@ $(testargs)" @$(MAKE) test testargs="-k $@ $(testargs)" # Run all tests with additional testargs .PHONY: test test: @if [ -f /.yadmtestbed ]; then \ cd /yadm && \ py.test -v $(testargs); \ else \ if command -v "docker-compose" >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ docker-compose run --rm testbed make test testargs="$(testargs)"; \ else \ echo "Sorry, this make test requires docker-compose to be installed."; \ false; \ fi \ fi .PHONY: testhost testhost: @if ! command -v "docker" >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ echo "Sorry, this make target requires docker to be installed."; \ false; \ fi @version=HEAD @rm -rf /tmp/testhost @git show $(version):yadm > /tmp/testhost @chmod a+x /tmp/testhost @echo Starting testhost version=\"$$version\" @docker run -w /root --hostname testhost --rm -it -v "/tmp/testhost:/bin/yadm:ro" yadm/testbed:latest bash -l .PHONY: testenv testenv: @echo 'Creating a local virtual environment in "testenv/"' @echo virtualenv --python=python3 testenv testenv/bin/pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools testenv/bin/pip3 install --upgrade pytest pylint==1.9.2 flake8==3.5.0 @echo @echo 'To activate this test environment type:' @echo ' source testenv/bin/activate' .PHONY: man man: @groff -man -Tascii ./yadm.1 | less .PHONY: man-wide man-wide: @man ./yadm.1 .PHONY: man-ps man-ps: @groff -man -Tps ./yadm.1 > yadm.1 @groff -man -Tascii ./yadm.1 | col -bx | sed 's/^[A-Z]/## &/g' | sed '/yadm(1)/d' > .PHONY: contrib contrib: @echo "CONTRIBUTORS\n" > CONTRIBUTORS @git shortlog -ns master gh-pages dev dev-pages | cut -f2 >> CONTRIBUTORS .PHONY: sync-clock sync-clock: docker run --rm --privileged alpine hwclock -s