if (typeof T === 'undefined') require('../setup'); (function () { T('fromJSON'); Decimal.config({ //crypto: true, precision: Math.random() * 40 + 1 | 0, rounding: Math.random() * 9 | 0, toExpNeg: -7, toExpPos: 21, minE: -9e15, maxE: 9e15 }); var e, fromJ, i, r, toJ; var maxDigits = 100; for ( i = 0; i < 100000; ) { // Get a random value in the range [0,1) with a random number of significant digits // in the range [1, maxDigits], as a string in exponential format. e = Decimal.random( Math.random() * maxDigits + 1 | 0 ).toExponential(); // Change exponent to a non-zero value of random length in the range (-9e15, 9e15). r = new Decimal(e.slice(0, e.indexOf('e') + 1) + ( Math.random() < 0.5 ? '-' : '' ) + ( n = Math.floor( Math.random() * 9e15 ) + '' ).slice( Math.random() * n.length | 0 )); //( n = Math.floor( Math.random() * 40 ) + '' ).slice( Math.random() * n.length | 0 )); //console.log(r.toString()); toJ = r.toJSON(); //console.log(' toJ: ' + toJ); fromJ = Decimal.fromJSON(toJ); //console.log(' fromJ: ' + fromJ); /* if (!r.eq(fromJ)) { console.error(' r: ' + r); console.error(' toJ: ' + toJ); console.error(' fromJ: ' + fromJ); } */ T.assert(r.eq(fromJ)); } T.stop(); })();