var count = (function toFormat(Decimal) { var start = +new Date(), log, error, u, passed = 0, total = 0; if (typeof window === 'undefined') { log = console.log; error = console.error; } else { log = function (str) { document.body.innerHTML += str.replace('\n', '
') }; error = function (str) { document.body.innerHTML += '
' + str.replace('\n', '
') + '
' }; } if (!Decimal && typeof require === 'function') Decimal = require('../decimal'); function assert(expected, actual) { total++; if (expected !== actual) { error('\n Test number: ' + total + ' failed'); error(' Expected: ' + expected); error(' Actual: ' + actual); //process.exit(); } else { passed++; //log('\n Expected and actual: ' + actual); } } function assertException(func, message) { var actual; total++; try { func(); } catch (e) { actual = e; } if (actual && == 'Decimal Error') { passed++; //log('\n Expected and actual: ' + actual); } else { error('\n Test number: ' + total + ' failed'); error('\n Expected: ' + message + ' to raise a Decimal Error.'); error(' Actual: ' + (actual || 'no exception')); //process.exit(); } } function T(expected, value, sep1, dp, sep2){ assert(String(expected), new Decimal(value).toFormat(sep1, dp, sep2)); } log('\n Testing toFormat...'); Decimal.config({ precision: 20, rounding: 4, toExpNeg: -9e15, toExpPos: 9e15, minE: -9e15, maxE: 9e15, errors: true }); T(0, 0); T(1, 1); T(-1, -1); T(123.456, 123.456); T(NaN, NaN); T(Infinity, 1/0); T(-Infinity, -1/0); T(0, 0, ' '); T(1, 1, ' '); T(-1, -1, ' '); T(123.456, 123.456, ' '); T(NaN, NaN, ' '); T(Infinity, 1/0, ' '); T(-Infinity, -1/0, ' '); T('0.0', 0, ' ', 1); T('1.00', 1, ' ', 2); T('-1.000', -1, ' ', 3); T('123.4560', 123.456, ' ', 4); T(NaN, NaN, ' ', 5); T(Infinity, 1/0, ' ', 6); T(-Infinity, -1/0, ' ', 7); T('9,876.54321', 9876.54321); T('4,018,736,400,000,000,000,000', '4.0187364e+21'); T('999,999,999,999,999', 999999999999999); T('99,999,999,999,999', 99999999999999); T('9,999,999,999,999', 9999999999999); T('999,999,999,999', 999999999999); T('99,999,999,999', 99999999999); T('9,999,999,999', 9999999999); T('999,999,999', 999999999); T('99,999,999', 99999999); T('9,999,999', 9999999); T('999,999', 999999); T('99,999', 99999); T('9,999', 9999); T('999', 999); T('99', 99); T('9', 9); T('999 999 999 999 999', 999999999999999, ' ', 0, ' '); T('99 999 999 999 999.0', 99999999999999, ' ', 1, ' '); T('9 999 999 999 999.00', 9999999999999, ' ', 2, ' '); T('999 999 999 999.000', 999999999999, ' ', 3, ' '); T('99 999 999 999.0000', 99999999999, ' ', 4, ' '); T('9 999 999 999.00000', 9999999999, ' ', 5, ' '); T('999 999 999.00000 0', 999999999, ' ', 6, ' '); T('99 999 999.00000 00', 99999999, ' ', 7, ' '); T('9 999 999.00000 000', 9999999, ' ', 8, ' '); T('999 999.00000 0000', 999999, ' ', 9, ' '); T('99 999.00000 00000', 99999, ' ', 10, ' '); T('9 999.00000 00000 0', 9999, ' ', 11, ' '); T('999.00000 00000 00', 999, ' ', 12, ' '); T('99.00000 00000 000', 99, ' ', 13, ' '); T('9.00000 00000 0000', 9, ' ', 14, ' '); T('1.00000 00000 00000', 1, ' ', 15, ' '); T('1.00000 00000 0000', 1, ' ', 14, ' '); T('1.00000 00000 000', 1, ' ', 13, ' '); T('1.00000 00000 00', 1, ' ', 12, ' '); T('1.00000 00000 0', 1, ' ', 11, ' '); T('1.00000 00000', 1, ' ', 10, ' '); T('1.00000 0000', 1, ' ', 9, ' '); T('76,852.342091', '7.6852342091e+4'); T('4 018 736 400 000 000 000 000', '4.0187364e+21', ' '); T('76 852.342091', '7.6852342091e+4', ' '); T('76 852.34', '7.6852342091e+4', ' ', 2); T('76 852.34209 10871 45832 64089', '7.685234209108714583264089e+4', ' ', 20, ' '); T('76 852.34209 10871 45832 64089 7', '7.6852342091087145832640897e+4', ' ', 21, ' '); T('76 852.34209 10871 45832 64089 70000', '7.6852342091087145832640897e+4', ' ', 25, ' '); T('76 852.34', '7.6852342091087145832640897e+4', ' ', 2, ' '); T('1,234,560,000.00000 00000 08', '1.23456000000000000000789e+9', ',', 12, ' '); T('1-234-560-000.00000-00000-0789', '1.23456000000000000000789e+9', '-', 14, '-'); log('\n ' + passed + ' of ' + total + ' tests passed in ' + (+new Date() - start) + ' ms \n'); return [passed, total]; })(this.Decimal); if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) module.exports = count;