# IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template Changelog ## [Unreleased] ### Added - Missing properties in the `gradle.properties` template file ### Changed - Dependencies - upgrade `org.jetbrains.changelog` to 0.6.2 ## [0.5.0] ### Added - Introduced `platformPlugins` property in `gradle.properties` for configuring dependencies to bundled/external plugins ### Changed - Disable "Release Draft" job for pull requests in the "Build" GitHub Actions Workflow - Dependencies - upgrade `org.jetbrains.intellij` to 0.5.0 - Dependencies - upgrade `org.jetbrains.changelog` to 0.6.1 - Dependencies - upgrade `io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt` to 1.14.1 - Dependencies - upgrade `org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint` to 9.4.1 - Remove LICENSE file during the Template Cleanup workflow ## [0.4.0] ### Added - Fix default to opt-out of bundling Kotlin standard library in plugin distribution ### Changed - GitHub Actions: allow releasing plugin even for the base project - Dependencies - upgrade `org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm` to 1.4.10 - Dependencies - upgrade `io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt` to 1.13.1 ### Fixed - `pluginName` variable name collision with `intellij` closure getter in Gradle configuration #29 ## [0.3.2] ### Changed - Simplify and optimize GitHub Actions - Gradle Wrapper upgrade to 6.6.1 - Dependencies - upgrade `org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm` to 1.4.0 - Dependencies - upgrade `org.jetbrains.intellij` to 0.4.22 - Dependencies - upgrade `org.jetbrains.changelog` to 0.5.0 - Dependencies - upgrade `io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt` to 1.12.0 - Dependencies - upgrade `org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint` to 9.4.0 - Rename `master` branch to `main` ### Fixed - GitHub Actions - cache Gradle dependencies and wrapper separately ## [0.3.1] ### Added - Better handling of the Gradle plugin description extraction from the README file - GitHub Actions - cache Gradle Wrapper ### Changed - Gradle - remove kotlin("stdlib-jdk8") dependency to decrease the plugin artifact size - Dependencies - bump ktlint to 9.3.0 - GitHub Actions - make *Update Changelog* job dependent on the *Publish Plugin* ### Fixed - Resolve ktlint reports ## [0.3.1] ### Changed - GitHub Actions - run plugin verifier against 2019.3 2020.1 2020.2 ### Fixed - GitHub Actions - Plugin Verifier broken for artifacts with whitespaces in name ## [0.3.0] ### Added - Set publish channel depending on the plugin version, i.e. `1.0.0-beta` -> `beta` channel ### Changed - Update `org.jetbrains.changelog` dependency to `v0.3.3` - Update Gradle Wrapper to `v6.5.1` - Run GitHub Actions Release workflow on `prereleased` event - GitHub Actions - Release - separate changelog related job from the release ### Fixed - Remove vendor website from `plugin.xml` - Update Template Cleanup workflow test to avoid running it on forks ## [0.2.0] ### Added - JetBrains Plugin badges and TODO list for the end users - `ktlint` integration ### Changed - `pluginUntilBuild` set to the correct format: `201.*` - Bump detekt dependency to `1.10.0` ### Fixed - GitHub Actions - Template Cleanup - fixed adding files to git - Update Template plugin name on cleanup - Set `buildUponDefaultConfig = true` in detekt configuration ## [0.1.0] ### Added - `settings.gradle.kts` for the [performance purposes](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/organizing_gradle_projects.html#always_define_a_settings_file) - `#REMOVE-ON-CLEANUP#` token to mark content to be removed with **Template Cleanup** workflow ### Changed - README proofreading - GitHub Actions - Update IDE versions for the Plugin Verifier - Update platformVersion to 2020.1.2 ## [0.0.2] ### Added - [Gradle Changelog Plugin](https://github.com/JetBrains/gradle-changelog-plugin) integration ### Changed - Bump Detekt version - Change pluginSinceBuild to 193 ## [0.0.1] ### Added - Initial project scaffold - GitHub Actions to automate testing and deployment - Kotlin support